Gomersal St Mary's CE Primary School

Early Years

EYFS Progression Map

EYFS topic plan

Early Years is the crucial foundation from which all other learning is built upon. At Gomersal St Mary’s we aim to encourage all children to be confident, inquisitive and happy learners. Our curriculum is designed to be sequential, ensuring all children make good progress and reach their potential regardless of their various starting points. We aim to create holistic, engaging and hands-on experiences that. Staff plan activities and experiences based on termly topics, special calendar events and most of all the needs and interests of the children. We recognise that all children are unique, we acknowledge and encourage children’s individuality and interests providing children with opportunities to develop their imagination and learn in a way that makes sense to them. Staff provide children with opportunities to develop resilience, critical thinking and independence and work closely to provide a smooth transition to Year 1. The children’s' development as lifelong learners is supported by our positive relationships with parents and carers. We understand that effective communication with parents and carers is crucial to improving outcomes for all children.