Gomersal St Mary's CE Primary School


Design and Technology Curriculum Map


Progression of Skills


At Gomersal St Mary’s we are passionate about ensuring that all children are able to showcase their individuality, imagination and passion. Through our art curriculum we aim to foster creativity and expression within our children alongside teaching artistic techniques through four distinct strands: Drawing, Painting & Mixed Media, Craft & Design and Sculpture & 3D. We aspire to give children opportunities to express themselves, nurture their artistic abilities, all while learning about a great range of artists across history and culture that will challenge their thinking and inspire them to create. By giving children ownership of their artwork through the use of sketchbooks children are able to experiment with their ideas, techniques and reflect critically on their work, developing confidence and resilience.


At Gomersal St Mary’s, we are passionate about inspiring our pupils to be innovative and creative thinkers. Through our D.T curriculum learners foster and develop problem solving and creative thinking skills as they engage in a number of projects throughout the school year.  Each project builds upon skills previously taught underpinned by the design, make, evaluate and technical knowledge cycle.  Our main aim is to allow our pupils to develop the confidence to take risks, through drafting design concepts, modelling, and testing and to be reflective learners who evaluate their work and the work of others. We want to inspire our pupils to develop resilience and problem solving skills to which they can apply to all areas of daily life.